Catching up with 11 & 12. My life has gone kerfluey this month, in terms of time to indulge in fandom, but this story is never far from my mind and I always try to steal moments to check if there is a new part.

Loved the conversation between Dan and Eric in the last part -- it's good to see that they really are looking for Martha and have covered bases (like nursing homes where the patients aren't allowed to leave) that I hadn't considered. And the convo between Lois and Uncle Mike was fabulous. I can't wait until they get back to Metropolis and have lunch with Sam. He's going to be more thrilled than anyone that L&C got married. thumbsup

In both 11 & 12, I'm loving how sweet Lois and Clark are together, and how adorably sexy Clark is. (The "hungry?" with the glance at the bedroom window was hilarious; no mystery where your mind is, Clark, LOL!) Like everyone else has mentioned, though, it's clear you're building toward things blowing up for Lois. Her intentions are good, but I can't help but feel she's started to dig herself in deeper than she's going to be able to get out of easily. As a trained agent, she should know that the more lies you tell, the easier it is to get tripped up. This has been a nice interlude for both of them, and they deserve some days of marital bliss, but I'm back to feeling uncomfortable that Lois isn't telling Clark the truth ... or even more pieces of the truth to show her good faith. Granted, he's not asking for it anymore -- but he's also pushing down those questions with the fact that Lois has told him not to ask. So at what point has she moved from protecting to manipulating? It's definitely a conundrum, and you've done a deft job of setting it up.

More, please! Tell Goo that he can focus on those other stories all he wants (please, please!) ... once this one is done. wink
