Patrick Thanks for letting me know you're still on board.

Joy Progress is a little slow in this part of the story - I'm glad you're still enjoying it.

Elizabeth Strange that wink

The end of TMTY isn't in sight yet. Quick estimate - possibly ten parts of Highway - which will probably become 20 parts (ask my BRs about my estimates blush ) + seven parts of Trail - 27 parts @ about 2-3/week = 10 weeks.

Laura I deliberately chose that preview to let you know things are beginning to heat up laugh


she already sees the possibility for Clark to be a hero.
She knows the world in ways that Clark doesn't because of his imprisonment.


Scardino - most of us didn't like him in the show because he was a roadblock to what we wanted - Lois love Clark. But he wasn't really a bad guy - he just saw an attractive single woman and tried to woo her.

As for if he's a bad guy/good guy here cool

DW With all the baggage they both have, they have to be as open as they can manage. If not, the story/relationship might never progress.

Kathy Loved your comments, Kathy.

The whole being dressed bit - this was another area where I dropped a few hints and hoped the readers would fill in the blanks. However, if Trask/Moyne thought of Clark as an animal (or wanted him to think of himself like that) - we don't (generally) dress animals. Just saying ...

Vicki I agree entirely with your comments about canon-Clark. He overcame being an alien, he overcame having the secret, he overcame Lois rejecting his first admission of love, he overcame his own unique ability to try so hard to get something right and still manage to make a mess of it.

MozartMaid The Daily Planet ... uhmm. I will say that it has a part to play in how this story unfolds.

Many thanks for the FDK. Update - I wrote Highway 2, stalled, and (after a day of panic) realised what was wrong with it. I'm hoping to get time to fix it tonight.

Anyone who was seriously distressed by the early parts of this fic and would prefer to be warned of anything similar should PM me. smile However, if you've got this far, you'll probably be fine.
