He stopped walking and turned to face her. "I don't mind where it ends," he said. "All I want is that when we get there, I'm still with you."
It's fitting that the bulk of this chapter took place on a sunny beach, because it's a nice analogy for the progress they've made. Leaving the rain behind, moving into the sun, walking in the soft sand, hand in hand ... the perfect place to have the conversation they had. I love that they finally got the details of what Moyne did (and more importantly, what he didn't do) out in the open, and that both Lois and Clark are able to start talking about the future and their feelings.

I'm not surprised that Clark wants to stay on the farm. Canon-Clark was able to use it as his sanctuary when his life was very scary (as his powers developed, etc.) ... and that secure upbringing was exactly what gave him the confidence to travel the world and move away from home. TMTY-Clark, on the other hand, had that security torn away, and it makes perfect sense that he'd feel most comfortable on the farm, away from a lot of people and noise, where he'd be aware very quickly if strangers were around and asking questions, and where he could see immediate results from his hard work. Though it's certainly "destiny" for L&C to end up in Metropolis and the Daily Planet, and I fully believe that Clark would be willing to sacrifice his preferred lifestyle to be with Lois, I find myself hoping that Lois will be willing to do the same for him in this story. He's sacrificed so much in this world that it only seems right that he should get his way for once.

The preview of the next chapter, combined with Lois's observation that Clark is wearing jeans to the beach, has definitely sparked my interest. It never occurred me how important being fully clothed would be to him now that he's free, but it, too, makes perfect sense. (And a spark of brilliance on your part, I must say.) The association of being undressed and being in the cell must be incredibly strong. And if I'm reading the preview correctly, it looks like Lois has figured this out and is going to help him get more comfortable with it. (And I might just fall over from the swooning. wink )
