What Kathy said. Word for word, what Kathy said. laugh

Regarding the clothing, I remember his thought when he first put on the t-shirt Lois brought him in the cell - that he didn't feel so exposed and vulnerable. And how hesitant he was to take that shirt off when she washed his hair - and how she wondered about that, given that he's been shirtless around her all the time until just that day (or the day before, I forget.) Anyway, he ended up keeping it on. So, yes, it seems he very much associates being undressed with his situation in the cell. After spending 7 years wearing nothing (and I mean *nothing*) except a ratty old pair of shorts, I don't blame him for preferring his jeans - even at the beach.

I also had been thinking the same thing about staying on the farm. Everyone has pretty much assumed they'd eventually end up at the Daily Planet in Metropolis, and maybe they will, but I have to say I find that there is something very comforting about them ending up as farmers in Smallville. huh

Finally, the request to hold hands. Awwww... I'll be honest and say I have a little pet peeve about stories with an overly hesitant Clark. Speaking of canon-Clark, here. He had his reasons to wait until he'd found that one person he could share everything with, but once he'd found that person, I got the impression he was not timid or hesitant at all; quite the contrary. In this story, however, there is EVERY reason for Clark to behave just as you have written him, and rather than being put off by his hesitancy, I find it endearing.

Loving this story...

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster