I loved this conversation so much! It's nice to see him coming through for her as she did for him. They can't always each be so needy, I agree, but there are always moments in relationships where one person needs more than the other, and it's important that the other can come through for the one. (Hope that made sense smile )

So much of the imagery of your words is so beautiful, trying to reach her past the moat, feeling a smile that dies before it reached his face, that sort of things. It lingers in the mind, something I really enjoy when I'm reading.

I'm glad they're making progress, but they still have a long way to go. As happy as it is that they've made this break-through, it's incredibly tragic that Clark is back to taking life one day at a time, just as he did in the cell, living in the moment, unable to imagine the future. I loved his response to Lois's admission that she had ruined things (I had to laugh out loud when he panicked, wondering what exactly had been destroyed), but something was ruined in that he's lost hope in thinking of the future. Hopefully, that will be resolved soon.

Great part--thanks!