"What are you going to do?"

"I thought I'd go into Smallville."

Tension cinched through her body at that prospect. She was sure that, in the manner of small towns, something of her encounter with Moyne had reached the ears of the local people. She didn't want to be pointed at; she didn't want to answer questions. She didn't even want to be there while they crowded around Clark. "Do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

"I didn't think you'd want to," he said, his tone carefully neutral. He picked up his coffee and nonchalantly drank from it.

Lois was grateful for his understanding. "Will you be all right going by yourself?" she asked.

He looked at her then - over the top of his cup of coffee. "I'll be fine," he said. "I don't intend to stay for long. I'll go and pay what I owe Dave and buy some more food. I might visit the bank and maybe do a couple of other things, but I don't intend to linger."

Lois nodded, and Cark quickly looked away, taking a swig of his coffee. He was hiding something. Nothing major, probably -

Then Lois realised. He was probably planning to buy something nice to take to the beach. Perhaps some Smallville speciality that he had particularly missed.
