
OOOH Moyne.... *shakes head sadly* You are an idiot.
Hang on to that thought!

Evelyn Ooops. Sorry about the nightmares.

But very satifying ending to Moyne's threat!
There had to be a moment when Lois/Clark faced Moyne. Perhaps several moments.


Lois can get rid of the kryptonite but where did Moyne get it
He had access to it from the start of Clark's imprisonment. Trask believed the aliens were coming to take over the world. I think it is very in-character for Moyne to get himself some personal 'insurance' even before the stuff was made into the rods.


But Clark saves Lois from herself!
Glad you liked it. I enjoyed reading the FDK speculating (very creatively) about how Clark was going to get back at Moyne. wink

He grossly underestimates the power of small-town loyalty
My guess is that he's never lived in a small town.

And I absolutely love that Lois defeated Moyne all on her own, that she got to beat the living crap out of him, and how he was forced to witness the fact that it was *Clark* who saved his miserable life.
This was the obvious scenario for me, and it was only as I thought it through that I realised it was satisfying on a couple of different levels.

no one will believe that "Phil Deller" is anything other than a crazed drifter
I figured it takes a pretty low person to use the name of one of his victims!


Your descriptions of Moyne gave me the creeps,
Sorry. Sort of wink . Actually, I'm also glad that it came across as chilling. Moyne is not a nice person.


Though I think Menzies still poses a problem - or maybe not?
There are a few problems - but it's not completely unrealistic for some things to go well for LnC, is it?

Vicki Congrats on the job. Although we'll miss having you here so regularly.

Good pick-up re Lois. As I posted 'Bridge' and 'Trail', I half-expected someone to comment that Lois had - in general - made a speedy recovery from what was a pretty traumatic situation.

Please, Corrina, don't make us wait TOO long!
I have to keep reining in my muse. You'll understand why eventually.

SJH Good suggestion. Clark might not quite have the confidence to do it yet.

Joy Well, she rammed her knee into his groin. It was sort of beyond the scope of this fic for me to detail him discovering permanent damage ... wink


I like your version of Scardino. Normally I don't like him. Never did see what Lois saw in him in the series. Your version is a stand up guy.
The plan was to have him develop as the story progressed. He started as a don't-care, don't-bother-me-too-much agent (possibly jaded from his years on the job.) Lois has changed him. For the better.

Wow, that was seriously intense.
It was one of the shortest chapters I have ever posted. But I figured it worked, given what was happening.

Oh and one positive thing in all of this, there's no way that Lois will want to sleep in Clark's room now, so they'll have to share the Kent's bedroom. Silver lining!


I think Clark will recognize that and help her.
Yep. smile


You are a master of giving us so much good WaFFy stuff, followed by nail-biter action.
Thank you. It does sometimes happen without my conscious planning, but this one was deliberate!

Clark has mentioned so many times that he can't be what Lois needs. After this experience, I hope that he sees that he is *exactly* what she needs.


How can he even think someone will believe him ?
They believed him when he said the alien had killed Deller. And Bortolotto. People who get away with things tend to think it will always be the case.


is Clark aware that he just saved Lois? Will he be able to see now that there's a lot he can do for her?
Clark might just surprise everyone. Including himself! wink

when are we getting that kiss?!?
I will promise you that by the time I have finished TMTY, Lois and Clark will have gone way beyond kissing. Is that good enough for now? cool

Michael I like the idea for the graemlins.

Also, she has a gun, she could easily incapacitate him.
I don't think Lois was in any mood for half-measures!

Thanks so much for the FDK. On a long fic like this, it's the FDK and interest from you that keeps me writing. The end of 'Trail' is in sight - possibly it will be about 26-28 parts. I've just finished 22.
