Just a very quick note before getting ready for work (I started a new job a couple weeks ago. YEAH, more money! BOO, less time to read and comment on stories on the message boards!)

I had hoped the confrontation with Moyne would result in Lois & Clark getting closer, thinking along the lines of the hug after the confrontation with Trask in GGGoH. Looks like I'm going to have to wait for that. Lois may have handled the situation well, as others have noted, but Lois herself is not doing well at all:

"Shut up, Clark," she snarled in a hard and ugly voice.
At the door, she stepped over Clark without looking at him.
Lois stared at [Moyne] as she waited for her call to be answered, feeling nothing.
"Go and call the police," she said coldly. "Stay away from the kitchen."
I've very much looking forward to the next chapter!!

PS - I'll try tonight to post some fdk on the last couple of chapters, both of which I loved! Also your "With a Source" story, which had me in stitches! I had time this morning to do a bit of catchup reading, but not much time for commenting. wave

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster