I love Lois. She handled herself like a pro. Good for her. I am so glad Moyne is being handled now and hopefully he will be behind bars forever or someone will kill him on the way to jail. Meanwhile I think Dan may end up friends with Clark. Menzies is another loose end. He thinks Clark is dead but when he hears Moyne is in trouble what will he do? Lois can get rid of the kryptonite but where did Moyne get it and can they remove most of it so that Clark doesn't have to deal with it again? Rachel will laugh in Moyne's face! No one will believe him. What a jerk! Too bad Lois didn't finish the job, then Menzies wouldn't be a problem. Oh well, thanks for posting this today. I am of course, looking forward to the rest. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"