Very enjoyable end to a fine story, Bob. I liked your original characters, but your use of Henderson was particularly good. I also thought the pacing for Lois and Clark's relationship was nicely done. Clark's revelation, followed by an introspective and repentant Lois, followed by a period of time where they learned to trust each other again was very realistic and in-character.

Sammy came through for Lois with the tips and evidence. I'm glad we might be seeing him again. And your hints about L & K ... well, let's just say that I have a soft spot for "Soul Mate" stories. twins

Ann said:
So Lex ordered Officer Smith's family to be killed? After Officer Smith had failed to kill Lois, that is. How horrible! But the policeman retaliated by killing Lex! Well, that was poetic justice.
I think you've got it backwards, Ann. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Lex had ordered Lois "untouchable", meaning that she was under the Boss's protection. The fact that Officer Smith shot Lois (while aiming for the Superman shooter) was the grounds for Lex's planned retribution on Smith's family.

I hope to see more from you soon, Bob.