Kathryn Re Clark's lunkheadedness - it this case I think it is justified. Sure, Lois hasn't lied to him, but for seven years there has been no one he could trust. That tends to generalise to being suspicious of all people.

Yes, talk is good
Yep - because they need to!

Amy Glad you like Shadbolt.


And so wonderful that Clark can return to his home, his identity, Martha can go home, too.
If it were that simple, Trail would probably only be seven parts long!

True Love

Besides, I wonder for how long this plan will fool Menzies and potentially Moyne.
Good point. Of course, it will help if Menzies' mind isn't *completely* on the job laugh


I hope he lets it go when he sees the ashes.
Even if he chose to check on the ashes, I don't think he would be able to tell that they aren't what he's been told there are!


Clark, as others have stated, is making progress,
True - but I think it's realistic that it will be sporadic for a while.

DW Sorry D - I've read your comments a couple of times and anything I replied would either be repeating something I've already said or giving too much away cool

Kathy I really appreciate how much you like Shadbolt. Although I think it needed to be there, I hesitated about including so much of his backstory. However, without it, his change of heart towards Lois - from initial hostility to staunch support - wouldn't have seemed realistic.


Yeah, I can just see his expression: "Lois! You can't do that! That's *illegal*!"

Vicki So ... it seems Shadbolt, Lois and Clark get a tick/check, Moyne and Menzies get a cross, and Scardino gets a question mark - interesting! wink


I liked the way Shadbolt takes Scardino logically through his thought processes
I'm so glad they seemed logical.

So far things are turning out to be better than they could have ever hoped for.
After seven years of torture and imprisonment for Clark and the tragedy of losing her friend and partner for Lois, I figured they needed things going their way.


Usually, it's Clark whose personality and strong sense of belief sway people to be on our side, so it's cool to see Lois have that same effect.
Yeah, good point.

Thanks to you all for continuing to read and give such encouraging FDK. smile