As those before me have said, this part was most excellent!

I am loving Scardino and Shadbolt as co-conspirators. This story thread has gone in a completely different direction than the doomsday scenario that I had dreamed up, and I'm so glad! laugh I liked the way Shadbolt takes Scardino logically through his thought processes about Lois and uses Trask own inconsistencies to invalidate the claims about Clark. Glad he gives her credit where credit is due. Now if only Scardino can find a way to contact Lois. So far things are turning out to be better than they could have ever hoped for. I just hope they can keep Menzies off their backs, and Moyne turns up dead in a dark corner very far away. Pretty please? laugh

And as Vicki so succintly put it, "But mostly I'm hearting Lois & Clark," and I couldn't agree more.

She gave him a soft smile. "Instead of feeling guilty about what is past, you could try to give me what I need most now," she suggested.

He released a long breath. "I probably should be able to work out what you need most - and whether that was a general comment or not ..." A shadow of his smile sprinkled joy through Lois's heart. "... but you're going to have to be specific, Lois. I'm horribly out of practice at this."

Lois chuckled as admiration and love welled inside her all over again. "I'd like you to hug me," she told him. "That's what I need."

She saw his surprise, but it was followed closely by a tiny, hesitant smile. His arms lifted, and she stepped into them.
Awh, feeling the love!

Can't wait for more.