Every time a new part is posted, I sit for a few moments and debate. Should I rush to read it, the way I've been dying to since I finished the last part? Or should I wait until later so the wait is shorter for the next one? Will there be a cliffhanger that will make me wish I'd waited? Or a scene that ties my stomach into knots? And then, as always ... oh, who the hell cares; I can't wait! goofy

I'm glad Lois's trip to Smallville ended up going so smoothly. I was surprised to see her pick up some of Clark's clothing, but if she's thinking ahead to an eventual escape, it makes sense that he'd need something to wear. Aside from the obvious benefit of retrieving a few of what meager belongings he has left in the world, of course. It was a nice touch for Lois to get Martha's scarf, though; that was so caring and thoughtful of her.

I wondered if the glasses did not actually belong to Jonathan ... and Clark's reaction makes me think I'm right. LOL, very cute touch, and yes, I wouldn't be surprised if those will come in handy later, when they need to escape.

Clark's thought process about how impossible an escape would be -- not the actual escape, but trying to live a life afterwards -- was depressing but well thought out. Everything he decides makes sense. There seems so little hope of getting him out legally, yet what kind of life would they have if they were to run away together? True, if anyone could do it, Lois could, with her vast experience in being undercover. Yet assuming Sam recovers (or even continues to live as he is now), Lois will have a hard time disappearing for good -- the same thing that keeps her in Metropolis right now will keep her there later on. So how are they going to do it? I have every faith that your story-telling abilities will come up with something brilliant, but at this point, I have no idea what that brilliance will entail!

From a plotting stand-point, you were clever to keep Scardino and Menzies from the cell in this chapter. I know my stomach was in knots the whole time, even as things were going smoothly, because I kept wondering when the other shoe was going to drop. And I have no doubt that it will drop ... probably when we are least expecting it, LOL.

I continue to bow down to your writing skills, and cannot wait for the next chapter!
