I cannot believe you left us there. How on earth are we supposed to wait until the next part?!?!

I'm with Clark - conflict is uh-brewin' and this feels like the calm before the storm.

I love the little details of this story - like Lois packing the books and old clothes for weight to be discarded at the farmhouse. I'm so relieved the trip to the Kents was uneventful. V. sweet of her to pick up some of Clark's old belongings.
Lois forced her feet-that-wanted-to-dance to plod slowly up the stairs.
He held her.

She held him.
Awh blush the only remedy for this emotionally draining 24 hours. Glad she brought him this scarf too, even if it is a painful reminder of what he's lost.

"Am I missing something?" Lois asked.

"I'll show you later."
Eureka! That's how they can get him out of the cell and not be hunted... he can wear his glasses, and no one will recognize him. laugh

However, short hair means scissors - and that could be a problem."
For what its worth you could probably argue that long hair could be shorn with clippers - the kind with different #'ed clips for various hair lengths. But Lois's idea is better to avoid attention being called to changes in Clark's appearance. If the higher-ups see Clark clean shaven and with short hair, then they might really doubt Lois's objectivity. laugh

With the man she loved.
Now bring on the next part or else. wildguy grovel