LOL! Okay, okay. I'm here. (and flattered <G>)

Thanks so much, everyone, for all the wonderful feedback. I'm so glad y'all like it so far.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the "I'm not a NASA experiment, Lois. I'm Kryptonian." line. It's one of my favorite lines from this story, and I'm glad other people liked it too.

I'm so glad everyone seemed to like Clark's rationale for not telling her the truth as Superman. That's something I felt really strongly about in this case. I always prefer the revelation to come from Clark, but especially in cases where he and Lois are already dating.

Did Lois really understand from this that Clark is Superman or that there are other Kryptonians on the Earth?
I confess that I found Lois' cluelessness a bit forced. C'mon, Lois: he's telling you his parents found him in a capsule, and you still don't make the connection? Although if your Lois never envisioned a secret id for Superman, the idea might never enter her head, I suppose. So I guess I should forgive her.
First, as you'll see very quickly in the next section, it doesn't take Lois long at all to put the pieces together. To me, her offering alternatives besides Clark being Superman is logical for two reasons. First, she's in denial. I think that Lois has really known the truth for a long time, but just didn't want to put the pieces together. Second, like everyone else at this point, Lois assumes that Superman only came to Earth about a year ago. She's not thinking about Superman coming to Earth as a baby.

the robe line was a great touch.
Thanks, Paul. That was one of those lines that wrote itself. She was standing in front of the open window and I was like, "I bet she's cold. She should get a robe." And, bam, I realized the implications.

But now it's not "playing", it's real thing, right?
Ah, nope. <G> This time they're "playing for keeps" meaning it's no longer a just a game.

Okay, there are a million more things I want to comment on, but I have a feeling that you'd all rather I shut up and post part two.

What happens now??!! Does she get mad?! Does she cry?! Does she kick him out?!
Let's see, shall we? smile

Thanks again!

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen