Oh, thank goodness she has everything on tape! I can't wait to see Scardino's reaction when he realizes Moyne is a liar and Lois is telling the truth.

This chapter did a lot to clear up my misconceptions from the last one; I see now that Moyne had opened the cell door and Clark hadn't broken out. And *of course* Moyne lied about what happened :rolleyes: but hopefully having the incident on tape will get Moyne removed from the project once and for all. I only hope he's discredited enough that his "friends in high places" abandon him and he won't be able to cause any more trouble. (Though I'm not counting on it. Grrr.)

Lois's thank you note got me all choked up ... and even more so when it did the same for Clark. mecry The simple courtesy of calling him by his name means so much to him, especially given the heartbreak of his POV scene that started off the chapter. He's been mistreated for so long, even he's starting to believe the things he's been told about his worth. Lois, please help him!

I'm well and truly hooked on this story, Corrina. More, please! smile
