When I read, I usually go so fast that I don't give myself much time to actually 'see' the scenes. Sometimes I'll stop and try to picture what I'm reading. But this story... it's written with such detail that it's hard not to picture everything. But this one bit really stuck out for me:

"When you said it was my word against Moyne's, you didn't mention that you had already decided that his version was more reliable."

"Ms Lane," Scardino said. "I have been concerned that you are getting too personally involved with this assignment. I think that you have allowed your judgment to be impaired. It happens to all of us in this job."

Lois reached into her pocket for the keys.

She thrust one into the padlock on the closet door and opened it.

She sensed Scardino's surprised reaction to the set-up inside the closet.

"Watch this," Lois said. "I'm sure you'll find it very illuminating."
Camrecorders... what a great invention!
