Oh, wow! Wow, wow, wow! I did not expect you to end it *there*! But it was a great place to leave it. *big sigh of relief that both Clark and Lois are fine and Moyne is not*

I'm not surprised Clark broke out to help Lois; I'd expected something like that to happen, but I figured it would happen after Moyne put Lois in the cell or at least opened the door. So did Clark know he had the strength to escape and just hadn't chosen to? Or did the panic of realizing Lois was about to be killed finally give him the motivation to try? Either way, I love that he was able to knock out Moyne and Lois thought to call Dan. I don't think even Moyne's well placed friends will be able to get him out of this one! (At least, I hope not. Attempted murder on a fellow agent is not "reassignment" territory; it's prison territory.)

What did surprise me was the fact that Clark walked back into his cell after it was all over. (BTW, giving her the Neosporin first was a great touch.) Is it learned helplessness? Stockholm Syndrome? (Though in this case, the Stockholm Syndrome would be a good thing, since Lois is Clark's best chance to somehow get some type of a life back.) It definitely proved he's not as dangerous as Moyne and Trask had made him out to be.

I can't wait for the next story to see what comes next!
