
Just joined the ride last night, read all 8 parts at one sitting, and I've got to say how much I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Of course that being said, I'd like the next part ASAP! How could you leave us there, cruel. wink

I too am puzzled by Clark's actions in the last part. I did not think for one minute that he'd harm Lois and was actually pulling for the door to be unlocked so that she'd have him on her side against Moyne (aka the devil incarnate). Now though that Moyne has been neutralized for the moment and Lois is defenseless, why isn't Clark escaping - it seems too early to be concerned about Lois' fate with respect to this incident. Is it concern for his parents that keeps him there?

I was expecting L&C's first contact to occur during Trask's funeral, when no one else will be around. Perhaps now after what just happened, they can still interact but Lois can place a bit more trust in Clark?

Whatever you have in store for us, I am ready for it and waiting not-so-patiently smile