I'm sorry for the late reply to your feedback. I've been out of town for a family Halloween celebration.

Also, since it was mentioned in so many responses, I thought I'd give an explanation of my signature here. It's not really a quotation, but I thought it looked more interesting that way. Those statements actually came out of a conversation I had with my grad school boyfriend. We were talking about our general frustrations about the opposite sex, and that "quotation" is the result. I've been using it as my signature ever since. I'm glad to know that it resonates with people. smile

mozartmaid: Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the ending. The line you mentioned was one of my favorite ideas, though I'm still not entirely happy with the phrasing. I'll get to writing that epilogue when I get a chance. Thanks again.

True Love: Sorry about the wait...glad to hear that it was worth it, at least! Sometimes the muse is cooperative...sometimes, not so much.

I agree with you about jealous Lois. Though they did explore the theme on several occasions (Cat, Toni Taylor, Linda King, Mayson Drake), Lois was always able to resolve it quickly. I wanted to explore the theme in more depth without giving Lois the opportunity to brush off her jealousy.

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. I'll get to work on the epilogue when I get a chance.

Laurach: I'm a sucker for WAFFy endings as well. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

KathyB: I learn something new every day. I'm not really new to the fanfic game, though. I've written several stories for other fandoms over the past few years, and I've also penned a couple of nfics on this board. My goal is always to improve, however, so I appreciate your constructive criticism.

I'm glad that the "This isn't dancing" reference seemed to work. I wanted to keep the basic framework of the episode, but explore it in a different way. I wasn't really interested in creating a whole lot of angst, but I hope that the low anxiety ending seemed true to the characters.

I know that the ending stands well on its own, but I got a fun little idea that will tie up some loose ends. Not sure when I'll have time to write this week...we'll see.

I've never tried to submit a story to the archives, but I'm assuming the process is not that hard. I definitely would like to have this one posted there one day, though.

Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback. I'm a big fan of your work, so I consider it an honor.

DW: I always loved that line, but I wanted Clark to say it, not Lois. I never understood why Clark didn't go to her apartment after the ball rather than Superman. So, I took the liberty of changing that little detail. Thanks for responding!

Lynn S. M.: Thanks for reading! I'll get to work on that epilogue as soon as I can.

IolantheAlias: Aw..I'm glad you picked out that part. It was one of my favorites in the story. Thanks so much for the feedback!

Plain Jane: I'm so glad that both of those choices seemed to work well. Thank you for all of the comments you have left on this story. I greatly appreciate it.

EvelynC: I'm glad I was able to finish it as well. I hate leaving stories up in the air. I was definitely attempting to create a romantic little story here, so I'm happy it worked. Thanks for the support and the comments.

SJH: Hey...some girls have all the luck! wink

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."