It's one thing to draw a pair of glasses on a picture of Superman, but I have a small problem with Mayson's 'revelation' given the circumstances.

First, the picture isn't of good quality and it's supposedly in profile, so you don't even get the proper shape of her face. Also, I believe it was mentioned that Lois does something to alter her hairdo.

Under those circumstances I would think that any picture of a dark haired woman would look like Ultra Woman if someone drew a pink mask on it.

Instead I think you need to have Mayson just have her imagination peaked by her actions. With the mask on Lois' picture Mayson could believe that Lois looks 'something like' Ultra Woman. That could lead Mayson into a more thorough search for pictures of Lois and of Ultra Woman. This would give her more instances of comparison. She needs to see those parts of Lois' face which aren't covered by the mask; like her chin, jawline, and mouth.

Mayson is truly not a darned nice gal. She is destined for a bad ending.

Tank (who thinks that Mayson is making a big mistake 'rejecting' Lex, he's not fond of that)