Preview of 59

"Clark Kent, Daily Planet."

"Clark, it's Mayson."

"Mayson. Are you calling in a story?"

"Not calling it in ... not yet," she said. "But I have the biggest story since Superman appeared."

"You sound distressed ... as if you've been running. Are you in danger? Where are you? Did someone hurt you?"

"I'm at my apartment. You need to come here now."

"Mayson ..." His speech had acquired that weary intonation he often used when speaking to her. "... you know I don't come to your apartment."

Mayson was tired of his patronising attitude. "Listen to me, Kent," she snapped. "I am offering you one chance to hear about this before I splash it all over the front page of the Planet. And if Perry won't print it, I'm sure every other editor across the breadth of the United States will snatch it up. I *will* write the story, and it *will* be published, and it *will* change your life forever. So do yourself a favour, greenhorn, and take the lifeline I'm offering you - because if you don't, you will pick up tomorrow's paper and see your gullibility on public display."
