It wasn't just you -- I was refreshing regularly last evening (um, don't ask me how often, OK? wink ) and it went down around ... 10, I think. My daughter was still up doing homework so I told her about your cliffhanger. She said you were cruel. goofy

“When he came down, he hit his head against the corner of my desk. I rushed over and grabbed the gun, but by the time I got it and turned around, I realized he was out cold. I was tying him up when Henderson arrived.
OK, I laughed. Out loud. All that worry for absolutely nothing. Lois totally rocks! thumbsup

And suddenly, he knew that was exactly what he was going to do. Not just for an hour or a week or a year. He had no way to get back to the future anyway. And he wasn’t entirely sure he would go back even if he could. Back to a life that was no life.
Oh, Clark, I feel so sorry for you. And I don't blame you at all for deciding to stay. I even want you to stay ... but this is not going to end well.

(Well, OK, it is going to end well ... but not for another gazillion parts, knowing ML. wink )

“Oh my god, it’s exactly what it looks like, isn’t it?”
rotflol I love Molly.

Giving a final sigh, he dropped it, watching as it sunk through three thousand fathoms of water to settle in the silt on the ocean floor.
Oh ... my. That I did not expect. He can retrieve it someday, of course, but ... that certainly shows the finality of his decision.

And the rest I won't quote, except to say that I can't believe how much stuff you packed in this chapter and how awesome it was. The beard on Clark's face after his attack made me gasp, and I loved how confidently Lois just told him about the time travel, the flying and the floating. LOL, I adore her! She's a kinder, gentler version of our Lois, who found her true love before she had a chance to be jaded by love and life. Which is exactly what I've always felt Alt-Clark needed -- someone a little more nurturing to take care of him, the way our Clark took care of Lois.

“I’ve come to fetch you, my boy,” Wells said. “You have to come back to the future with me. Everything depends on it.”
And this doesn't surprise me at all. I knew there was no way Clark could stay here; it would change the future too much, not just in terms of Superman but in terms of the current timeline's Clark Kent. But I'm not exactly expecting Clark to go quietly, especially after what he's just promised Lois ...

Awesome story so far, ML! As much as I wish I could devour it all at once, at least this is a cliffhanger I can wait 48 hours for. smile
