Corrina, I want to make it clear that I didn't mean to criticize Lois and Clark's decision not to make love until their wedding night. It was just the two words "scared" and "different" that set off a chain of associations in me.

Perhaps you might focus more on Clark's ingrained fear of losing control. This paragraph described it very well:

"Lois, I *can't* allow myself to get out of control," Clark said. "Ever since I realised that I'm the strongest man on Earth, I've known that I can't allow my emotions to control me. I can *feel* angry or jealous or irritated or frustrated, but I can't let it get beyond feeling. That night in the tree house ... that kiss ... I lost control. If you hadn't backed away, I would've kept going."
This is a good reason for Clark's nervousness, and it has nothing to do with any fear that he would physically hurt Lois. He is just nervous about experiencing such strong emotions and letting go of his control for the first time ever, and on top of his nervousness about the wedding night he is scared of losing control too soon. Perhaps everybody but me got that straight away. wink
