
A translation - not yet. A part of that statement is probably going to be significant (I haven't written it yet, but unless I think of a different (better) way of achieving what I want to achieve, I'll be using this.) Thanks for asking, though!

Artemis LOL about you being confused. It is actually really hard to deliberately write something that makes complete sense to you, but no sense to anyone else. (I manage to do it accidently at times - ask my BRs!) I'm glad this snippet came across as addled.

Sarah Happy ending coming.

DW Going out together as S and UW was a part of the original plan, but somehow they got set in the habit of only seeing each other in Lois's unit. Thanks.


From the fic ...

"The night in the tree house," Clark said wretchedly. "I came so close to losing control ... I wanted you so much ... I scared myself."

"Were you scared because we aren't married? Or scared because we're different?"

"Both," he admitted. "I want your first time to be so special, but there is no way I can find out if ... if the practicalities will work for us ... and I have one chance ..."
Ann wrote ...

Anyway, Corrina, this is what Clark's statement seemed to imply to me - that he might not be able to make love to Lois without hurting her.
Actually, Clark's main concern is that it Lois's first time and he wants it to be special and memorable for all the right reasons. But he's a virgin too. And there *are* differences (physical strength being only one of them) which he hopes will not present difficulties, but, as he said, he can't be sure about beforehand.

They are being pretty honest here. If either of them had worries about him hurting her, I think they would have said it explicitly.

I agree with you that if there were an issue of hurting Lois being married would make no difference.

When Clark talks about losing control, he's talking about timing. As he says later in the conversation ...

"I nearly did something we had decided not to do."
They hadn't decided never to make love. They had decided to wait. The control (or lack of it) was about timing, not physical force.

I haven't seen any of the Superman movies nor read any of the comics. If my stories seem to allude to situations in anything other than LnC:TNAOS that is just coincidence.

Personally I don't think that Lois and Clark's love is necessarily stronger if they "wait until the wedding night".
I know that, Ann. You've made essentially the same comment before in my other fics and I've skirted around answering. Perhaps it's time to be more direct - if I were to ever write a fic where they slept together before making a lifelong commitment, (in American culture that means marriage) big problems would follow.

I understand that others don't agree - and they are free to write their fics according to their worldview.

But rather than having this conversation every time I write a fic, you should assume that I'll write that they wait, and I'll assume that you don't think it's necessary.

I appreciate you reading and commenting on my fics, Ann. As I'm sure we're both aware, we think very differently on some issues. What I think/believe is going to come out in my fics, but I don't write to try to change others' views. I write because I enjoy writing and I hope others enjoy reading.
