wave Well, I'm back again.

I figured since I came out of semi-lurkdom to comment on part seven, I ought to respond to this, too.

Personally, I don't think # 3 is a good idea. I can understand why a lot of people think it would be because
(1)Clark leaving for NK, and then Lois finds out she is pregnant has been done before
(2)They've already been through a lot in this story, and most people don't like NK archs anyway.

Here's my philosophy.
Lois getting to Clark before he leaves for NK would be to trite. Like wrapping up a neat little pagkage before it has everything in it.

Leaving for NK would allow her to come to terms with their relationshp more. (You know the whole, "I should have tried harder to work it out with him while he was here, and now he's gone and he could die...")

Of course, just because she tells him she's pregnant before he leaves doesn't mean they're going to be a couple again right away but still...it a little to easy for me.

Besides that, the author herself doesn't seem to realy want to write # 3. And while I appreciate SQD for asking the readers what we want, I don't think anyone should have to write something their heart's just not in.

I'd be okay with either option #1 or #2 if you didn't understand after all that gibberish.

Hey, I have a babbling problem, people! And since I'm not writing Lois write now, I guess this is how it comes out.

Signing off for now,