Hey Guys and Girls!

This for everyone reading Everywhere- I'd said at the beginning of part 7 that I'd need you all before I could proceed with the rest of the story. The reason is when I first wrote this story I breezed (yeah, whatever) right through with a version of the story I was pleased with. Then after I was rereading, I thought 'hey, this would have been better like this'. Then asked on the boards which direction I should go with it. And you know what?! I got three different answers. So GUESS WHAT???!!! shock This story has three different paths written from this point on. What I want to know is- which one do you want to read? Okay, so I know I'll probably hear all three answers, but... right now, right, right, now- which one would you like to read?


Path one- NK arch- LONG NK arch!

Path two- NK arch- short(er) NK arch!

Path three- and I'm not real impressed with this ending because it truly feels like something's missing- Lois gets to Clark before he can leave. And seriously, you if you choose this one, you might have to help me polish it into something more readable.

Okay- choice is yours. Give me somewhere for Everywhere to go.

Oh, and all of the comments are fantastic. Thanks for continuing to read and to leave feedback. I apologize for not doing this sooner, but my muse is still working overtime on another story.