hyper hyper hyper hyper

Fortunately, it was her partner standing in the hallway, looking no worse for the wear after a six-hour flight.


He had barely stepped into the room before Lois threw her arms around him.
For a moment there I wondered if you hadn't mixed some early Season 3 into this, too blush But maybe that was just projecting them into an atmosphere where more could happen between then. Of course, I hadn't read the rest of this ficlet yet blush

“Good,” Lois said drily. “I was starting to worry I’d have to fill in as best man.”

“I’m having a hard time picturing you in a tux,” Clark said, laughing. “But it would make for some very interesting wedding photos.”
Well, just wait till the Chi of Steel...

As Clark shut the door behind them, Lois flopped onto his bed with a dramatic moan.

“I hate you,” she wailed plaintively. “Leaving me on that plane alone.”
And again, S3 projection. After all, it could mean that Lois knows, and Lois knows Clark.
“You abandoned me,” she reminded him archly. “I’m thinking of throwing myself off the Space Needle on the way to the airport Sunday.”

“Do you really think killing yourself is going to solve anything?”

She laughed at his perceived naïveté. “I’m banking on Superman showing up to rescue me, and giving into my pleas to fly me back to Metropolis.” She sat up and glowered at him. “If I have to spend another six hours with that woman, only one of us is getting off the plane alive.”
Or not huh

Her awareness began Sarah’s bridal shower, when everyone – including Sarah’s grandmother – brought sexy lingerie as gifts. Lois was one of two people to give her something else. She bought a fondue set. Sarah’s mother showed up with a basket of edible body paint.
/bursts out laughing/ No strippers?

“You must have had him in college,” the man continued. “You look great!”

He sauntered off, ice clinking in his glass, and didn’t catch Lois’ reaction.

Clark, on the other hand, had never seen his partner so stunned.

“Lois?” he said after a minute. “Are you okay?”

Her voice was a low hiss. “His … mother?”
Must be me reading this bright and early but it took me till the last sentence to realize he was talking about Lois being Jimmy's mother. And then there is this from Just Say Noah.
... And then you took my hand and said, 'Jimmy, _I_ can make a man of you...'

Clark shook his head as he stepped toward her. “I’m very serious,” he said. “And you can be mad at me tomorrow for saying this, but tonight … Just know that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”
So far, so good. Completely expected nothing to happen anymore. And then.
Clark was having that dream again.
So things *did* happen. shock
Some nights, like last night, the fantasy seemed so … real.
Well... duh! /squats tiniest flickers of doubt./ I think there's not even a single instance in LnC fanfic where a dream turn's out to have been just a dream instead of the real thing.
The sound of the door connecting his room with Jimmy’s opening jarred him from his thoughts – had he forgotten to lock it when he went to talk to Jimmy before the rehearsal dinner? – and panicked, he fumbled for his glasses.

His expression was incredulous as his young friend bounded in, dressed in the same outfit he had worn to the rehearsal dinner, minus the tie.

“Jimmy, it’s 5:30 a.m.! Have you even been to bed yet?”
/Eagerly waits for Jimmy's tired/slightly drunk? stupor to lift enough to notice Lois lying next to Clark.

Before Clark could react, the covers were thrown back.

“Do you think he knew I was here?” Lois asked breathlessly.
Whoa. I never expected Lois to be this nonplussed. And it took me till the FDK thread's details to remember bits and pieces of said Friends scene. Wasn't Monica engaged in certain activities at the time of the interruption. /wonders about the logistics of waking up and hiding under the covers fast enough not to be noticeable from the connecting door.

Great ficcy, Jenn. Any chance of you muse turning naughty for an epilogue after you're posting the second and last part of this way too short display of your mastery of this fandom? grovel


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