I loved this chapter, too. They're both deeply in love and I dare say that it's even more so because of the distance between them. They both want the well-being of the other.

I'm glad they got together physically. Lois' heart is still full of Clark, but since she's not willing to give it to him fully again due to the way he treated it last time she handed it to him, the sex will not have solved anything.

And a baby... that absolutely won't simplify anything.

Ultra Woman said:
I think the first step would be Lois to stop running and go back to Metropolis. They need to work out what happened.
Yes, that would be a step in the right direction. However, given how long and how fast Lois has been running, it's just as likely that she'll keep running right through the pregnancy and Clark will come home to a baby in a bassinet with a note saying, "Clark, I believe this baby belongs to you."

Hey, isn't this about the right timeframe for "Family Hour"? Well, maybe not. I don't recall the New Kryptonians arriving yet.

Great chapter, SQD. I hope to see another very, very soon. Please? grovel