I'm so sorry. I actually forgot about this. I was busy last weekend and the beginning part of the week as I thought I'd be, and then got some news Wednesday night that sort of demanded all potential brain space after that.

Thank you all for the comments, though. I do appreciate them, and they are definitely a mood lifter.

Thanks, Patrick, Artemis, DW, and bellarata!

JD - I'm glad you enjoyed it, although I have to be honest - both the idea that Bill was the one to tell Lois and that Lois didn't know the secret was all Patrick. The premise for this fic came directly from his challenge.

Thanks, Lynn. I'm glad that you weren't disappointed that Lois didn't jump into Clark's arms. It got to the point where it felt like that was where she would if she did at all, and it didn't feel right to me at all. But I agree with you - she'd do so soon after this.

Michael - You know it never even occured to me that the title would lead people to think Bobby was the Inspector, but that makes a lot of sense. Sorry for the confusion.

Do you really not like this Lois? I was trying to write 1st season Lois. Was she harder/less likable than that?

I don't think this Lois is over Superman so much as this was early enough that she wasn't in love with him yet and given recent knowledge about him is able to relegate her feelings to things that are more appropriate. And in terms of not being into Clark. Hmmm... I think she is. I don't think she's in love with him yet (or at least not consciously), but that doesn't mean she's not interested.

IolantheAlias - Thanks! You know, I knew from the beginning that she wouldn't write the story, and just assumed it was because of Clark. But then when I got to the point where she had decided not to write it, I realized she was still angry enough at Clark that she would write it. So the MnJ thing just sort of happened. But I think that's as my thought was that Lois would go to Smallville and learn who Clark is, but in reality, she learned a lot about who Martha and Jonathan were before she was ready to really learn about Clark.

Off to deal with real life stuff...