Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment. Life here is good. It takes some time adjusting, as you can imagine it’s been a big change, but hey, I get to see cities where the “new” part of town is 700 years old.

Thanks for commenting, DW. More is coming up.

I do like nasty cliffhangers, Amberlea. But this does have a resolution, I swear.

Hi Avia. I will try to post more regularly, so as not to encourage bad habits, like nail biting. wink

Artemis, I figured Jon would be particularly sensitive, given that he’s never been exposed to Kryptonite before. I never got why in the series, baby Kal El, as visited by Tempus, didn’t seem bothered by the Kryptonite. Of course, that’s probably because it’s hard to make babies do something just for the sake of filming it. Still, you imagine the kid would have been fussy at some point during the making of that episode.
Hi Jenni. I am finding time to write as my work schedule is much more civilized than it was when I was in the private sector. I’ll be posting more soon. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Ann, I promise, there will be more B-Plot in the future.

Thanks for your comments, Michael. I agree that Hsiao is particularly cold-blooded. In comparing him to Luthor, it’s kind of a toss-up as I see them both as essentially amoral (as opposed to immoral). They might understand what others consider to be right and wrong, but they certainly don’t care. As for the bombs, you’ll what sort of demonic machinations I, erm… Hsiao is up to shortly.

Seme, glad you enjoyed the family scenes at the beginning. I can’t be mean to my characters all of the time…

More is coming up soon!
