Terrific ending, CC. I'm also quite glad to have an explanation of Lois's motivations and her thought processes when she married the other Clark. It was also bittersweet to see that while she loved the other Clark, she still knew he wasn't the one. Knowing that, her reasons for coming home make perfect sense, and I can see why she would make the decision rather quickly, even though she did love the other Clark.

On a random tangent, it's funny how some writers write Lois and Clark refusing to make love for the first time under the shadow of hurt or grief or fear and how some do the opposite. Both types of scenarios have been done wonderfully and both scenarios make perfect sense logically. I suppose that is a testament to the talent of the authors in this fandom - they can be totally true to the characters while having them do mutually exclusive things. Just thought you should know that you're one of those authors who can pull that off. For a while in this scene, I didn't know which way it would go, but I was certain that you could make either situation entirely realistic and believable and 'right.'
