Thanks for your comments, everyone. I'm glad to see by the short and sweet feedback that you liked this part, Evelyn, Lovesuper, DW, and Michael. I agree that it was a good turn on Dr. Friskin's part, even though it was a touch heavy handed of her. Clark wasn't giving her much of a choice.

Ann, thanks for your comments. You are right that much of this story is meant to parallel what happens to anyone who has been off fighting a war for years - the world moves on without them. Their experiences change them. When they return, they often don't 'fit in' the way they used to and that can't be anything but painful. Clark is being forced to find new ways to fit into the world and is having to adjust and adapt to roles that once came very naturally to him. And you're right - he needs to realize that he is not just loved and wanted. He is needed.

More is on its way.

