“I didn’t mean that,” Martha said. “I meant that if Lois loves you and she knows that you want to be with her whatever the circumstances, she won’t leave you, even if you somehow manage to convince her that is best for her.”

His arms dropped. “So I have to pretend I want this?” Clark said incredulously.
NOOOOOoooo! Martha! What are you doing?!?!

Other than this one, fatal, slip, Martha actually did a good job attempting to talk sense into Clark. But, unfortunately, I think the only thing that is going to stay with him when the conversation is over is this. <shakes head> (I've been doing quite a bit of that throughout this story, and I suspect I'll be doing quite a bit more before it's over.)

Last night, as Clark had made love to her, she had caught herself – thinking about a story.


Clark deserved so much better than that.

When had it started? When had their love-making been reduced to something that could be multi-tasked?
Oh, so *that's* why she was crying! So, Clark was doing a bit of projecting here, right? These two need to talk!

She didn’t remember the last time she had asked him how he felt about ... anything.

Was he still mourning that they would have no child?
Yeah, they definitely need to talk.

Instead of her mind being full of stories and leads and advertising space and column inches, it was full of one man.

Her husband.

She missed him.

She wanted him back.
So, Lois is on a mission to get closer to Clark, and Clark is on a mission to distance himself.

This should be interesting. Off to read Part 3...

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster