cookiesmom Thanks for continuing to read. I don't want to give too much away, but this won't be 15 parts of angst.

But even a two-by-four might not get the attention of Superman.
No, but Lois Lane will!

Elisabeth RE marriage, that's my experience too, Elisabeth, and it is really easy to get caught up in job, kids etc and feel like you've lost touch.

Thanks for your comments.

Sarah Eek. Sorry! Hope the ice-cream was good. There's ice-cream, pizzas, basketball and a beach to come, so hopefully you'll find that easier going.

Thanks for the FDK.


I love how Lois realizes she misses her husband- just as he is making plans to pull away.
Me too. laugh

Thanks for leaving comments.

Evelyn Thanks.

Elizabeth I've read your first paragraph a few times and there's so much I could say, but nothing I'm willing to say blush

Re the comment on your marriage ... so it's the KIDS that cause the problems!!! wink


Iolanthe Angst? laugh

flowerpot Martha probably felt like cussing!

so does that mean that while clark thought lois was crying over them, she was actually crying abt. a story?
She was crying because she realised how far she had moved away from Clark. He thought she was crying because their lovemaking wasn't going to result in a baby.

that's kinda sad to think abt. the reporter that lois drove away, the one who didn't get the same nurturing/guidance she herself got from perry... though i'm sure she could rise to the challenge and be the editor she could be....
I can't remember if we were ever told exactly how long Perry had been the EIC, but I always assumed a long time. No one could expect Lois to have all of his experience at first.


DW There will be a divorce in this fic. mecry

Thanks for your comments.

Thanks everyone.
