Lois and Clark at cross-purposes again.

The first chapter hit me so hard that I almost didn't read this one--I thought seriously about waiting until the entire story was posted, which I usually do not do with anyone whose writing I enjoy as much as yours.

I was glad that Martha got Clark to agree to wait for a week, but the way he's doing it is going to make it even harder on both of them than if he had come out with the suggestion to divorce and given Lois a chance to respond and tell him how she really feels.

Interesting explanation of how Clark thinks that Lois and Martha are different.

I want to shake them both and tell them that they are causing their own problems. But I think Lois has already realized that, so it's Clark who figuratively needs to be hit over the head with a two-by-four. (Folklore says that's the way you get the attention of a mule.) But even a two-by-four might not get the attention of Superman.

I don't promise to post fdk after each chapter, but I will continue reading to see how this works itself out.