And here I was, just re-reading "Cause and Effect" and wishing that ML would write some more stories --- and here it is. Yay! I'm so glad that you're still playing in the LnC universe.

I have to admit mixed feelings about the premise. Not that kidnapping Lois from Deter is a bad idea. In the contrary, it's a *fantastic* idea. I just still feel so traumatized by the whole amnesia arc that the reminder is a bit painful. In the hopes of getting a happy and more intelligent resolution to the whole fiasco, though, I shall read each part with pleasure.

The cabin on the island is a great setting and so logical. Loved the bit about Clark cleaning up the dust; it really gives us a bit of insight to both Lois' character and to their relationship. Ha! Lois doesn't just clean the grout of her tile to vent frustration, does she?
rotflol No, really. I cracked up at this headline.

I loved the little clues you sprinkled in about how Lois' subconscious might be reacting to Clark - how she kissed him back and her reaction to Clark standing up to (or threatening) Deter - and I hope that he'll be able to build on that.

Smart of Clark to bring some personal items (scrapbooks and articles she'd written). I can only hope that he'll share his secret with her. Since she's in an unfamiliar setting, knowing that Clark is Superman could be a powerful tool to unlocking her mind.

More soon, please!