For me, the strongest part of this chapter was the last 1/3 of it, so I think you're definitely safe as far as wanting to move into the meat of the story on a high note.

I really liked how you portrayed Clark's realization that he would never be more than a friend to Lois -- that he could never again hope or ask for anything more -- and how he finally breaks down as his world crashes in around him. Nicely done, and it felt very real and poignant.

I also liked the fact that the revelation came from Clark's POV. We've seen Lois's reaction a thousand times and we know what she's thinking. But by putting it in Clark's POV -- and his blind POV, at that -- you up the tension on the scene and give it a unique twist. He can't see the hurt or confusion or shock in her eyes, yet he "feels" it. He can't see her looking at his chest, but he feels her hand under his shirt and he knows what she's looking for. And he can't see her about to ask a question on a public street that must be asked in private, yet he hears what she's about to say and redirects her. It's a nice combination of Clark "feeling" Lois through their bond and his growing successful reliance on his other senses. And I liked it a lot. smile

Looking forward to part 4!