FDK goes here.

The rule still applies: good, bad and ugly comments are all welcome. I've already managed to improve upon the last two parts because of you guys, and I very much appreciate that. So please, please keep it coming!

I'm particularly interested in two things, this time around:
  • Does the first scene of this chapter sound 'right' to you? I did a lot of tweaking on that one, and I still fear that I might be jumping into the action a little too late there.
  • I had to write the final scene from Clark's POV, because that's the only way I could end the chapter on a really strong note. And we're basically at the point where the rest of the story gets launched, here, so I needed it to be strong. But because of that, I couldn't shine a spotlight on the way Lois finally puts the pieces together in her mind, so I'm a little concerned that it might be too abrupt, from the reader's point of view. Let me know what your thoughts are on that, if you have any smile .

Of course, as always, all other feedback is still very welcome.

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.