I like this story very much. I did not find Clark's clumsyness over the top at all. I found it perfectly understandable. Plus, as already pointed out, this story is an extension of an actual episode which set the canon. (I'm not sure if I'm using the right phrase here - "set the canon" - blush , but you know what I mean.)

One thing I did notice is that Clark mentions several times that things are "dark" or "black". I have actually heard that blind people do not see black such as seeing persons do when we close our eyes. It was described to me in the following way: Stand in front of a slightly open door and put your hand into the other room. Close the door as much as possible. Stand in such as way that you are not looking through the slight opening in the door where your arm is. What you should see is just the back of the door. Now, try to "see" the adjoining room with your hand. What's in the room? Obviously, you don't know. Your hand can't see! Is it dark? Is it black? No. Your hand doesn't see black. Your hand doesn't see darkness. Your hand simply does not see ANYTHING.

Anyway, that is the way it was described to me.

But it's a minor point, and I can't even swear I'm right, having never been blind. It certainly doesn't distract from the story, which is totally enjoyable.

When will we get Part 3?

How many parts do you anticipate altogether?

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster