That was quite the cliffhanger all right! Definitely a twist that caught me by surprise.

Of course, assuming it is the bad guys who were found in the newsroom, it does take care of the problem of there being witnesses to Superman's blindness. In fact, if Lois has kept Superman's blindness a secret thus far, even from the police, and the two guys that did it are dead ... what's stopping Clark from becoming blind as *Clark*, and having Superman just disappear for reasons unknown? Hmm ...

As for Clark's learning to deal with his blindness, he's very lucky to have his parents there, and I'm sure they're going to be a big help to him as he has to learn how to navigate this. The only thing I wasn't quite sure about was how many things he kept knocking down in his apartment. Granted, there are certain things that he either can't do or hasn't learned to do yet -- shaving (can't) and eating with silverware (will have to practice). But given that he's lived in his apartment for a year, I would have expected him to be able to navigate fairly well in the dark, at least as far as finding his way to the bathroom, finding the on/off switch on his clock radio, knowing where the major furniture is, etc. After all, these are things that most of us have to deal with occasionally while sleepy in the middle of the night, so I would expect Clark to at least have a little bit of experience with it, even if he has to slow down a bit as he walks.

Unless, I suppose, you're going with the idea that with his excellent eyesight, he's never had to learn to navigate in a completely dark apartment and thus is at a larger disadvantage than a normal human would be as a result ... Hmm, again!

Lots to think about here. Looking forward to part 3!