HappyGirl asked:

So, I guess what I'm asking is, is this idea of falling asleep together, waking up snuggled together, or, even better, unconsciously snuggling up together without meaning to, just fiction? Are we the exception? Or are these things invented for movies and romance novels?
For the most part, it's fiction. I love to hold my wife close, but I always get her hair up my nose when I do. And because I'm a foot taller than she is, I have to have my head all the way up to the headboard while she prefers to burrow down into the covers - unless she's sleeping on top of them, in which case I have to yank them out from under her because I have to sleep covered up, even if it's just a sheet.

To the point: if you can sleep tucked up against your one true love, good for you. Most people can't, for various reasons. But it doesn't mean that you don't love each other, it just means that you don't sleep well with a dead weight draped over one of your lungs. Makes it hard to breathe.

"Where have you been and what have you been doing?" Those are words I've said to my kids, and I've never liked the answers I've gotten back.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing