Delightful part, Sonia!

Ah, I love how you wrote Clark's obsession with Lois! Talk about being totally smitten!

Sure, he had been annoyed during that first week when she talked incessantly about herself and made passes at him, but now that she wasn't even acknowledging his presence—and he was barely able to acknowledge his next thought—he was starting to miss it.

His eyes widened as he tried to mentally retrieve those thoughts from the universe.
I can just see Clark trying to take back his errant thoughts about liking anything about Lois Lane and retrieve them from the universe!!!! rotflol

Lois's concert with Rosco the rooster was absolutely priceless, too. Not to mention the fact that Rosco didn't mind showing Clark that he definitely prefers Lois over him! rotflol

Imagine that Martha and Ellen used to be best friends when they were in college. And to think that Sam met Ellen because of Martha. And to think that Martha, Jonathan, Sam and Ellen became a sort of "gang of four". And to think that now Jonathan and Ellen are dead, and Martha is a widower and Sam is a widow.

This was so moving:
In a group shot, an around two-year-old version of herself was being held in the arms of her mother, while flanked on the sides by her father and Martha and Jonathan Kent.

Arching an eyebrow, she addressed what was missing. “Where's Clark? He's not taking the picture, is he?”

“No,” Martha said with a smile. “We didn't have him yet.” At Lois's confused expression, she went on, “We adopted Clark when he was three.”
It makes a lot more sense now that Sam would send Lois to Martha to straighten out her life. I like what Martha said:

“Your mother was an incredible singer,” Martha said quietly. “She loved performing and music to her was like a red-blooded person, but she would have hated the way that your life is public fodder once you become famous today.”
So Sam is really trying to save Lois from the public fame that was ruining her life.

But this was so irritating:

Straightening in her seat, Lois turned her head to look Martha in the eye. “You know, don't you,” she said, more statement than question.

Martha merely favored her with a soft smile and tilted her head before responding. “Know what, Dear?”
Yes indeed, know what? Come back here pronto and tell us!
