Carol, the deleted scene I was referring to isn't in my copy of the Pilot script, darn it, so I can't quote it verbatim. But originally, I recall there was supposed to be more to the "I've got you all figured out" "Didn't take you very long" conversation when L&C are eating Chinese take-out in the newsroom. In the snip I recall seeing (an early script version?), Lois says something very much like what you have Clark say in this chapter -- describing what she thinks he was like as a younger man. It was something like, "You were the kid in the back of the classroom who knew all the answers, but never raised your hand. You read Jack Kerouac over and over, and always dreamed of going on the road yourself."

Fortunately, though, the Dairy Freeze line was in the show. From the Pilot, when Lois asks Clark to be her escort to Lex Luthor's ball:

Are you crazy? This is _the_
social event of the season.
Everyone who's anyone will be there
and you're just lucky that I'm
being stood up-and _you_ want to go
to bed early?

So.... is this a date?

Date? Oh, you mean like in Kansas
where you meet my parents and then
try and give me a hickey in the
vacant lot behind the Dairy Freeze?
No, this is not a date. It's
business. I'm going to land Lex
Luthor's first one-on-one interview
if it kills me. And I will not
walk into his party unescorted.
Of course, the great thing about it was the parallel description just a year and a half later, when Clark asks Lois out in "The Phoenix":

You're asking me out?

Yes! You know.... like on a date?

(beat, then)
A date? You mean a real date? Like
where I take out my best perfume,
the one I bought after seeing 'Love
Affair', the good one not the
remake, and put a dab behind my
knee, even though I have no idea

Yeah... I guess that's what I'm
Awwww. laugh