MDL - Please don't feel bad about the flights issue. It's such a picky little detail and it's no big deal *at all.* I figure it's the kind of thing that having all of us to give feedback just helps us all to catch. I'm sure if I tried to write a story set in South America I would make way worse mistakes than that!

There's an old American movie where a woman is spending the whole movie learning Spanish so she can visit her daughter in Brazil. Of course she feels really silly later to realize that Brazilians speak Portugese. blush

These kinds of little details pop up all the time, even between British and American cultures. Just last night I was reading an excellent story on the archives and I couldn't help but notice that one of the Americans searched high and low for the tea kettle and plugged it in. Americans don't generally use electric tea kettles; ours go on the stove. But how would a British writer know that little detail? (Unless they had someone picky like me reading their story here first wink )

It's also perfectly legitimate to just ignore those kinds of details if they interfere with your plot. The TV writers do it all the time. I cringe every time I see the Smart Kids episode because I am a licensed foster parent and I know that there is *no way* that Lois would have been able to take Amy home like she did on the show. But they needed her to for the plot, so they just completely ignored every child welfare law and procedure in order to make it happen. It's called creative license. So why can't you have any plane flights you want in your story? smile

Off to read part 3!

This *is* my happily ever after.