Interesting 2nd part. Hopefully Jonathan pulls through. I know that Jonathan does die in most versions - but in the LnC world he is very much alive. (Gentle reminder)
Re: airport-in-Smallville thing? I guess that the most Smallville would have, would be a grass landing strip for those little planes that spray bug-stuff - um, do we really care about this? it *is* fiction.... wink
Lois really should have packed a bag though.

When Lois heard a sigh coming from Clark’s front seat she reached over the back seat and clasped his shoulder. While Rachel went on and on, trying to divert the topic to other mundane things, Lois knew better – Clark was all along worried and probably blaming himself for not being there at the time it all happened. How could he? If there was one person to blame that was her.
Lovely words. She definitely understands and loves him. smile

Looking forward to the next part.