Brava! clap

You had me smiling through most of this story, although there were a few points that were poignant enough to wipe the smile off my face; namely, when the narrator mentioned all the family milestones he missed.

Sure enough, there he was, arms folded, wearing just his boxers and a t-shirt.
If the narrator were a bit smarter and just as unscrupulous, you'd think he'd manage to make some money off of what he learned. After all, I'm sure there are a lot of villains in Metropolis who would pay big bucks to learn where Superman lived.

Actually, maybe the narrator isn't as dumb as he appears; after all, he managed to do in three short interactions what it took Lois years to do -- recognize Superman in his civvies. (Admittedly, I'm not sure why Clark would strike a Superman pose when not in uniform -- why he hadn't simply spun into the Spandex before apprehending the thief for the third time.)

A fun story. Thanks for posting it. smile
