Wheee! More FDK!

Amber - Sheesh. Do I have that reputation? Really? In a 16 parter? Sure the chapters are a bit longer than OTOH/UP chapters [those were 2-2500 words mostly, these are mostly 3500ish] but would I do horrible things to them? Okay. Maybe. All right, I would.

Sue - Wheeee! Sue!!!! Okay, I haven't made cookies yet, but I'm going to. I'd even trade SnS 2 for more Ricochet - I wasn't going to post Ch. 2 until Wed, but I might be convinced to post sooner... So they've promised to wait till they get married, they're 16, this is 16 chapters, do you think we'll get the wedding night?

James - hope you can. After all, you did answer that exceptionally important question for me a couple weeks ago. Hopefully, by posting a bit more slowly than I have with the last couple you [and maybe others] can keep up smile .