Tempus is far more diabolical than I gave him credit for. He never meant to break up the OTOH Clark and Lois. No, his goal was to destroy the lives of the other Clark and Lois. After all, they were only friends, but now they've had to pretend to be married and parents together for four and a half months. When they get back "home," Joe will be dating someone else and Lana will be divorced from Clark. Oh, and they'll still be married, too, but legally now, whether they took those vows or not.

It's one thing to mess with one Lois and Clark. It's another one entirely to completely destroy another universe's L&C. I don't know how they could be together knowing that they were forced into their current life by their dopplegangers. And when everyone tells them what wonderful people the "other" Lois and Clark are, they'll have a perfect opportunity to resent their counterparts - and each other. Without that interference, they could have remained friends and colleagues for life and helped establish Utopia. Now? They won't want to stay in the same room with each other.

No, this was the evil scheme. Now Tempus may have broken a Lois and Clark relationship for ever. No way he leaves a help screen in his time-travel device if he doesn't want anyone to use it to fix what he's done! He counted on the "original" L&C to eventually go home, but not until they'd turned their duplicates' lives upside down and broken them pretty much beyond repair.

Not only is Carol evil, evil she's terribly sneaky, too. devil

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing