Sorry for the delay. I was in a car accident on Feb 18 that fractured my pelvis and it's taken me a couple of weeks to get to the point where sitting up for longer than a few seconds doesn't make me want to cry. It was very gratifying to come to the boards and see that I wasn't the only one thinking about Ricochet. smile

cp33 - I hope both you and your husband are doing well. <<<hugs>>>

Tank (who thinks that Clark could have been a little more gracious and told Lois her hair looked nice when she showed up at the Planet)
Two things: A "woot!" dance that Tank is reading my story and a reminder that Plark told her that he liked the new hair all the way back in part 1. wink

I, too, wondered why the people at the Daily Planet were not surprised that Lois' hair had grown an inch overnight!
Because she cut it! The phone call she made was to her stylist. Even Clark was fooled at first glance by the haircut - it was the fit of her clothes and the absence of a wedding ring that told him she was Plois.

Your idea of fluffy may be more perverted than mine!
Count on it, Nan. wink

I need to read through part 5 again and then I'll be posting. My heartfelt thanks to everyone for reading and for the nudges. sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis